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Public Inquiry on Mandatory Standard on Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Emissions from Radiocommunications Infrastructure

29 Sep 2010

The Commission is hereby holding a Public Inquiry to determine the standard on electromagnetic field (EMF) emissions from radiocommunications infrastructure and invites members of the public and interested parties to participate in this inquiry by making written submissions on any matter they consider relevant to the inquiry.

The deadline for submissions is 12 noon, 15 November 2010 (Monday).

To learn more please click on the following links:

Pemberitahuan: Cadangan Menentukan Standard Mandatori untuk Emisi Medan Elektromagnetik (EMF) dari Infrastruktur Radiokomunikasi

Notification: Proposal for the Determination of Mandatory Standard on Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Emissions from Radiocommunications Infrastructure

Public Inquiry Paper Mandatory Standard on Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Emissions from Radiocommunications Infrastructure

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